



Economizer-decontaminator (ED) means for heating and preliminary degassing of water and is set up forward of the deaerator head. Under its functional features, ED substitutes the surface economizers of CPW, and also realizes preliminary degassing of water. This process considerably improves the deaerator water quality. An optimal temperature of water in the exit from the apparatus is chosen in the range 70-80°С, which is the optimal temperature for the entrance in the deaerator head.
The economizer-decontaminator works in the following way. Chemically purified water falls into the entrance of the first apparatus' step by the water inlet manifold; steam passes by the steam inlet manifold to the steam nozzles. When the streams enter the mixing chamber, they mix. During this process kinetic energy of the steam stream (velocity head) is transmitted to the water. As the result the water heats and takes a speed that brings to the local pressure decline in the water stream and its boiling up. Gas and steam bubbles appear in the water. The accelerated and heated water falls into the cavitator, where it goes through the cavitation shanks. In addition it boils in the zones of pressure decline, which are in every shank during the water movement. In this time the fine-dispersated two-phase steam-water mixture is formed. Then the water goes to the recerculation step, where it additionally takes a speed and is heated by the steam that goes to the annual steam nozzle by the steam inlet manifold. A part of the water is returned by the recerculation pipe to the entrance of the first apparatus' step for the maintenance of stable hydrodynamic conditions. The rest of the water is directed to the deaerator, where corrosion active gasses are liberated from it. As the practice shows, after such prior treatment of the water the content of attenuated gasses after the deaerator decreases in 2-3 times.

Technical characteristics:

Indicators' Names Data
Temperature of Water in the Entrance °С 25-40
Temperature of Water in the Exit °С 70-80
Productivity t/h In accordance with the technical conditions of the customer


About us Atmospheric Deaerator Vacuum Deaerator Economizer-Decontaminator Non-standart equipment eng->>rus