About us

Research and Development Company "Industry" is one of the best and progressive producers of the reliable and high-qualified deaerators during the last twenty years. The Firm "Industry" is the only firm that offers its customers any kind of the necessary deaerator.
The basic goals of the Firm "Industry" are directed on designing and installing of the modern deaerator's equipment for its application at electric power stations, boiler-houses, heat stations. Especially our work deals with the deaerator's equipment of heating system makeup circuit, steam-boiler makeup, since it's situated in the hard working conditions.
The clientele list includes customers in Russia, the Ukraine and Moldova. Some vivid examples are the South- Ukrainian APP, Moldova's Electric Power Station, Chisinau Heat Station, Zainsk Electric Power Station, KAMAZ Heat Station etc.
We investigate the existing deaerator's equipment, elaborate the technical documentation on deaerator according to the necessary productivity, ordered by the customer; carry out its installing and testing. In accordance with our documentation and follow-on, the customer will be able to exercise reconstruction of the system by his own strength, that won't require heavy expenses.
We guarantee the quality, i.e. all the factors, that are stressed in the technical characteristics of the equipment, and bear responsibility for the ultimate result of our work. It works well, because we examine each contract or order and perform all the calculations and deaerator's designing, taking into consideration technical conditions, which are agreed with the customer. The best of the existing technologies will be applied in the project and manufacturing of deaerator.
Also we assure you the high quality of removing the corrosive gas in the wide range of the working load. Our deaerator's equipment surely will provide you with protection from corrosion of the expensive equipment and economize considerable investments for its repair and replacement of pipelines
To the attention of the managers, who operate heat systems: Please, address to us and we will provide trouble-free operation of heat systems during 30-35 years and more.


Address: Research and Development Company "Industry", Dnestrovsk-town, Cosmonavtov str.8 Moldova
Telephone Numbers: +373 (219) 7-14-82
+373 (219) 7-14-89
+373 (60) 752436
+373 (69) 110685
Fax: +373 (219) 7-14-89
E-mail: nartis@inbox.ru
skype: nartis_nartis
ISQ: 485-584-953




About us Atmospheric Deaerator Vacuum Deaerator Economizer-Decontaminator Non-standart equipment eng->>rus