Atmospheric Deaerator

Атмосферный деаэратор


Deaerator head works in the following way- chemically purified water (CPW), subjected to deaeration, is piped through the CPW inlet manifold to the upper distributing plate. From there the jets of water flow down through the holes on the intermediate drain plate. The intermediate drain plate is installed with the purpose of time increasing for the water jet stay in the steam area of jet tank that stimulates its further heating up.
Water in the jet tank is heating up by the steam's flow until it will reach the saturation temperature with the minor underheating about 1-1,5 °C. At the same time ventilation of the jet tank takes place. Then the water falls into the exhaust part of steam overflow valve, where the extra-heating up happens by the bubbling steam until the saturation temperature. The steam overflow valve aimed for the water heating up until its saturation temperature before its falling on the bubble sheet; regulation of steam speed in the bubble sheet's holes (the minor speed is calculated in this way to prevent the liquid's fall-through the bubble sheet, the maximum- in order to prevent the liquid's carryover from the bubble sheet).
The steam overflow valve works in the following way: by the load increasing of the deaerator, the difference between P1 and P2 pressures increases as well. The steam overflow valve opens slightly, while consumption of steam is increasing through the steam overflow valve aside from the bubble sheet. In this way the steam overflow valve maintains the optimal steam consumption through the bubble sheet, by opening and closing depending on the pressure drop on it. It's worth mentioning that the steam overflow valve is improved and made of such a kind of construction that allows it to maintain the optimal hydrodynamic conditions of the bubbling on the whole range of the deaerator's loads. Passing through the bubble sheet, the water makes up the bubble layer with the intensive turbulization and the maximum surface of mass exchange under the steam pressure, where the ultimate deaeration of water happens. The air-steam mixture comes out through the branch pipe of the vented steam.
Constructional features of the deaerator's head allows it to work stably not decreasing the quality of deaeration, with the low temperature of water at the entry, also by the jump of the pressure and the water's consumption in the deaerator. The deaerator's head is reliable in service; internal mechanisms are accessible for the maintenance and repair.

Technical Characteristics of the DEAERATOR:

Parameters' name Meaning
Pressure in the deaerator kg/sm² 1,2
Water's consumption through the head (ton / hour) Under the technical conditions in accordance with the consumer
Concentration of the oxygen attenuated in the water at the entry in the deaerator (mg/l) 6-9
Concentration of carbonic acid (CO2) at the entry in the deaerator (mg/l). 10
Residual concentration of the oxygen(O2) after deaerator (mg/l) < 0,02
Residual concentration of carbonic acid after deaerator (mg/l) lack
Minimal temperature of the water at the entry in the deaerator °C 30
Temperature at the exit from deaerator °C 105

As an example serves the act of the deaerator's technical tests of the heating system makeup of Moldova's Electric Power Station with productivity 200 t/h.

The act of technical tests and commission of a new deaerator head, had been set up on the Moldova's Electric Power Station and manufactured under the draft of the Research-and-Production Firm "Industry" in accordance with the contract №01/00 from 7.02.00.

In 2001, on the 10th of December the tests of a new deaerator head were realized and manufactured by the Research-and-Production Firm "Industry". The goals of the tests are the check-up of the hydrodynamic steadiness, determination of the deaerator productivity limits, testing of its degasification ability in the productivity limits and making-up of the deaerator's work operating mode.
For the tests were measured:
The consumption of chemically purified water was determined by the apparatus, set up at the local control pane.
The temperature was determined by the apparatus, set up at the local control pane.
Control of the residual oxygen content is exercised by the staff of by-product-recovery department according to the chemical scale and recording in journal.
The consumption of steam for deaerator and rules for technical operation were determined by the calculation mode, based on the temperature of the enter and exit from them and water consumption.

Deaerator Productivity t/h Pressure in Deaerator kg/sm² Temperature after chemically purified water heater °C Temperature after deaerator °C Residual Oxygen Content mg/l
1 50 0,19 85 105,3 0.01
2 110 0,19 95 105,3 0.01
3 145 0,19 93 105,2 0.01
4 165 0,19 84 105,3 0.01
5 185 0,19 82 105,2 0.01
6 195 0,19 87 105,1 0.01

During the deaerator's tests vibrations, water hummers and pressure jumps were not registered.
The deaerator showed good hydraulic steadiness working in the load range 50-200t/h.
The deaerator is well regulated in the whole load range.
Usage of this elaboration allows reducing the oxygen content in the makeup water considerably.
The deaerator satisfies all the requirements of the rules for technical operation and guiding technical materials 108.030/21-78
Before the installation of a new deaerator head, the oxygen content, after the usage of deaerator, exceeded 0,1 mg/l, and after the deaerator application - 0,01 mg/l, therefore the annual economic effect made up ~50000$.

Type sizes of designed equipment:

Name, the Type of Deaerator Working Range t/h
(Atmospheric Deaerator)AD-3 0,75-3,5
AD-10 2,5-12
AD-50 12-60
AD-100 25-120
AD-200 50-210
AD-250 65-270


About us Atmospheric Deaerator Vacuum Deaerator Economizer-Decontaminator Non-standart equipment eng->>rus