Vacuum Deaerator

We have elaborated absolutely new decisions (we have some authoring), which guarantee high quality of our deaeration on the whole load range. These results were reached dew to the hydrodynamic self-control process of the interphase mass exchange and dew to its maintenance in the optimal proportion depending on the pressure change.
Constructively vacuum deaerator is situated in the standard horizontal body, the diameter of which is 3m. and the length – 2m. The section productivity is 400t/h.

Вакуумный деаэратор

Vacuum deaerator is divided with the vertical partition and the steam overflow valve on two tanks: the deaerator tank and evaporating tank:
Evaporating tank consists of:
• overheat water inlet manifold;
• water-distributing sheet;
• jet tank;
• hydroseal, which connects evaporator and deaerator.
Deaerator tank consist of:
• inlet manifold of CPW;
• jet tank;
• water-distributing sheets;
deaerated water discharge manifold.
This construction was debugged for good; all the existed constructive imperfections that were in the outdated vacuum deaerator's constructions were removed.
Thus the new construction is provided by the deaeration of not only chemically purified water, but also by overheated water, which goes through the treatment in the jet tank of evaporator and on the bubble sheet, and only then it falls into the deaerated water discharge manifold. This process considerably improves quality of the deaerated water.
The steam overflow valve aimed for the regulation of consumption and the steam speed on the bubble sheet. It is installed forward of the bubble sheet that additionally allows to heat up the water by the steam exhaust from the steam overflow valve, before it's entrance on the bubble sheet that allows to increase the effectiveness of the bubble sheet.
The hydroseal, which connects the evaporator with the deaerator tank, is carried out from the deaerator's body that allowed increasing the length of the jet tank.
The deaerator's construction is simpler and more reliable; maintainable, it is possible to have access to any element of the vessel internals by the manway.
As for the quality of the deaerated water, the practice has shown that deaerator in the range 20-120% surely provides the quality of the deaerated water with oxygen < 0.03mg/l and absence of free carbonic acid, in complete accordance with the technical requirements of the rules for technical operation.

In present we have elaborated and tested a new construction of the vacuum deaerator, which works on the heating water velocity head. This fact allows increasing the reliability of the deaerator's work, especially in varying duty. 400t/h.

Type sizes of designed equipment:

Appellation, Type of Deaerator Working range t/h
(Vacuum Deaerator)VD-50 12-60
VD-100 25-120
VD-200 50-230
VD-400 100-450


About us Atmospheric Deaerator Vacuum Deaerator Economizer-Decontaminator Non-standart equipment eng->>rus